Christine Shumway Mortine


Solo at Don Scott 025

Christine’s love for aviation has led her to become a commercial, single and multi engine rated pilot as well as a Certificate Flight Instructor (CFI) for single and multi engine (MEI) aircraft. Her training reaches from Flight Safety International (Vero Beach), Capital City Aviation (Columbus OH) to mountain flight training (Rocky Mountain Flight Training) out of Denver CO and CFI ground school with FAA Instructor of the year Arlynn McMahon, Lexington KY. She also holds a Second In Command (SIC) in Citation Jet 500 Series.

Christine is a flight instructor at Capital City Aviation (KOSU), Spencer Aviation (KDLZ) and a pilot for Ohio Skydiving Center (KLHQ). She is proud to be a FAA FAASTeam Representative, a board member of The Scioto Valley 99s, Young Eagles and Angel Flight pilot, a member of EAA9, Youth in Aviation (YAA), Women in Aviation (Spirit of Columbus), AOPA, National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) and SAFE.

As a Friends of the WOSU Public Media Board, she chairs the Advancement Committee. Christine Shumway Mortine, soprano, was founder and music director of Columbus Bach Ensemble, a professional baroque orchestra which served central Ohio for six years. “Cheers filled the Pontifical College Josephinum’s St. Turibius Chapel last night for the Columbus Bach Ensemble’s Sensational Soloists program…” Under Christine’s direction, the CBE orchestra, chorus and soloists earned a nomination for the Greater Columbus Arts Council Artistic Excellence Award spring 2006.

Christine received bachelor of music-voice, bachelor of music education and masters in music performance-voice with a minor in conducting degrees from The Ohio State University. She has worked with conductors Helmuth Rilling at the Oregon Bach Festival, Jeffrey Thomas with American Bach Soloists, Robert Shaw and has served as assistant conductor with Opera Columbus and Columbus Light Opera.2103_1101409934379_9411_n

As soprano soloist she has performed with Columbus Bach Ensemble, Lancaster Festival, Dayton Symphony, Opera Columbus, Early Interval and numerous recitals throughout the states. “Her fine voice was strong, clear, agile and expressive.” Voice teachers include Lucy Shelton (NYC) and Eileen Davis (Columbus, OH).

Christine particularly embraces baroque and new music for both chamber and concert orchestra venues, most recently performing works by Donald Harris and Jennifer Higdon in The Ohio State University’s New Music Festival.

She has been on the voice faculties of Kenyon College and Denison University. She is a graduate of the Jefferson Center for the Arts Academy for Leadership and Governance – Executive Director Fellowship Program. In addition to her private studio in Worthington and growing flight instruction career, Christine has been a hospice volunteer, enjoys flying, camping, backpacking, kayaking, hiking and time with family.